Sweet water at sea!!
HOW IN THE HELL CAN ANYONE EVEN THINK OF DRINKING THAT WATER??? I wouldn't even want to put my feet in there....just look at the picture above, look at the so called beach, and look at the color of water in that container. YUKKKK YUKKKKKK YUKKKKKK!!! I have travelled through that zone by train for atleast 5 years regularly-twice-everyday, yes everyday... and I still travel by train when ever I am visiting Mumbai and the smells that you get by just passing through that area are unbearable, leave aside going in that water, collecting it in a jar and drinking it...AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Yuk...Yuk....Yukkkkk.
They say its the doing of Allah.....I hope at least taking that into consideration, people will stop shitting along that beach and try to make it a cleaner place. Heh heh anyways, what am I thinking...cleaner???? I think I am deranged! That place will never get clean at all.