Conversation overheard!!
With all due respects to the natives of the southern parts of our diverse Motherland, but I found this conversation quite amusing and brought an innocent smile on my face :-)
Person 1: So whaaat is yaar name, you said?
Person 2: Narsimhan Raviprabhakaran, Saar.
Person 1: So did you say you are in the computer? If you are in the computer, then you should get emails and notices from us.
Person 2: No Saar, I yum not getting yaany emails or noteecees.
Person 1: Ok, but thanks for the donations. Can you spell your name for me?
Person 2: Yun Ye aar Yuus I Yum Yuh Ye Yun
Person 1: Thank you. Now I have put you again in the computer so you should get all emails from us.