Week end Movie Update...
Saw the movie Cellular a few days back during the week. My intuitions start picking on me, when I see such a sexy trailer of the movie and then decide to watch the movie expecting something really cool from what it seems from the flick. The movie is kind of OK, with a lot of silly mistakes and dumbo things. Kim Bassinger is average trying to give her best, and look like someone who is really obsessed with a broken phone. The story is really good, and would probably make a very good read, if based on some novel. But the overall movie goes only upto average due to the mere presence of Ms Bassinger.
Also saw Ladder 49 yesterday and what an amazing movie it is....in the sense that such a simple topic as the life of a fire fighter has been potrayed so well thro' out the movie, there is not a single moment where you feel bored. As usual Travolta is just amazing and Joaquin Phoenix stands at the same level as Travolta. Joaquin's acting especially when he meets Jacinda (wife to be in the movie) for the first time is really good...putting him in one of the elite acting categories. Overall a very good watch, definitely worth spending your evening time on...