As usual I left my office at around 9.00pm and was biking my way home along the drag. I stopped at a light as the pedestrian walk sign turned to a 'DONT WALK' prohibiting me from crossing the road. I was perched on my bike and was looking around, the cars speeding by in front of me as the light turned green. I saw a couple of feet ahead of me was a girl, might be 20-25 years and probably going home from a jog along the drag. She had her dog with her....and what a beast it was! It was nothing less than a fierce rottweiler. I looked at the black shiny animal and it was indeed a fine animal and so was just admiring it, when the rott started staring at me, its mouth open and its long tongue hanging out from the side. I returned his stare even more fiercely and that was just enough intimidation for that animal. Before I could realise, I saw this beast charging towards me with a menacing growl and before I could even react I could see that he was on his hind legs and ready to take a jump on me. He was on a leash which was probably several feet long and definitely longer than the distance between us! So before he could complete his jump and pounce on me or dig his canines into any of my accessible body part, the girl pulled back his leash so hard that his jump went into rewind and she got him under control. Phew! That was close I said to myself! The strange part was that the rott did not bark at all. The other funny part was all this happened so fast, in a fraction of seconds, that though I was scared and had missed much more than a couple of heart beats, my face was expressionless and almost normal as if nothing had happened! The rott owner was surprised to see my expressionless face and thought I was some real 'fearless' guy not shaken at the sight of a charging rottweiler! She apologized for the misbehaviour of her most faithful friend, and in return I replied plainly "Its OK! I knew he was going to charge at me!" She was totally confused hearing this and gave me the most weird look I have ever seen!
Current Music :: Jimi Hendrix :: Are You Experienced?